Labor Management

Managing labor in logistics operations effectively can reduce costs, minimize execution variability, and increase efficiency. Softeon’s labor management capabilities provide powerful tools that enable you to control and monitor the performance of these critical areas. The features come included with Softeon WMS.

Labor performance standards are defined in the system by your team as reasonable expectancies and are measured against in the system setup. The labor data is native in the WMS. There are a variety of dashboards and reports for viewing employee metrics. For example, management can view individual task efficiency for a single employee on a given day or view the efficiency across different shifts.

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Powerful Features

Track and optimize the many tasks your employees are completing at both the micro and macro levels

Incorporate reasonable expectancies to understand how your employee productivity compares to standards

Get real-time visibility into labor across your organization

Help Your Employees Succeed

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For 3PL companies seeking to navigate the intricacies of billing management, Softeon offers a configurable Billing Management solution embedded in our WMS. Our Billing Management system effortlessly adapts, ensuring your financial processes remain streamlined.

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Softeon’s Labor Management tools transform your workforce into a well-coordinated team. Easily track, measure, and optimize labor productivity, ensuring your team operates efficiently, achieving top performance without missing a beat.

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When it comes to shipping, having an embedded and flexible parcel engine in your WMS is crucial. Softeon understands that each parcel represents a customer’s experience. Our Parcel Management solution equips you with the tools to deliver not just satisfaction but delight to your customers.

Assembly Kitting

Assembly and
Kitting Management

Multi-channel support: build-to-order, serialized assembly, lot control, custom packaging, and auto-inserting promotional items for seasons.

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